The Roman Army A to Z: forum

forum (n. pl. fora)

A central open area within a Republican fortification, equivalent to the principia courtyard in one of the Principate. Polybios (6.31.1) uses the equivalent Gk. word (ἀγορἁ, echoed by Jos., BJ 3.5.2) in his description of a Republican camp. Livy 41.2.11; Fest. s.v. [Johnson 1983]

The Roman Army A to Z: foederatus

foederatus (m. pl. foederati)

1. In the Republican or Imperial periods, a member of an allied force provided as part of the terms of a treaty (foedus) (Livy 25.18.10; 34.57.9); 2. under the Late Empire, a member of a formation of barbarian troops, from within or outwith the empire, in Roman service because of a treaty agreement (Amm. 18.2.13; CIL VI, 10212). See also bucellarius [Southern and Dixon 1996]