Reading Hadrian’s Wall: 13

13. Tibbs A Short Guide to Hadrian’s Wall Amberley

This is the newest of the bunch and I have added it at the end to make it a baker’s dozen. The format will be familiar from other popular books, with an introductory section and a description of what can be seen (including what3words locations). What makes it stand out from most other similar volumes is the comparatively generous use of colour photos to illustrate the text. Possibly a bit too big to carry with you in the field without risking some attrition, but certainly one to study before and after a visit to the Wall. PLV Bookshop

PLV Inscriptions (Birrens)


These are the inscriptions from the Hadrian’s Wall outpost fort of Birrens (Blatobulgium). The fort was excavated during the 19th and 20th centuries and is located to the north of Netherby, on the main western road north of Hadrian’s Wall. It is the only component of the Hadrian’s Wall system that lies within the modern country of Scotland.


RIB 2091

RIB 2091: Statuette of Brigantia set up by an architectus, found in a building outside the fort at Birrens in 1731. Brigantiae s(acrum) Amandus / arc(h)itectus ex imperio imp(eratum) (fecit) (‘Sacred for Brigantia: Amandus, engineer, by command fulfilled an order’). RIB I, p.640

RIB 2092

RIB 2092: Altar set up by cohors II Tungrorum for the dicipline of the emperor found in the well of the fort at Birrens in 1895. Discip(linae) / Aug(usti) / coh(ors) II / Tungr(orum) / mil(liaria) eq(uitata) c(oram) l(audata) (‘For the Discipline of the Emperor, the Second Cohort of Tungrians, one thousand strong, part-mounted, publicly praised, (set this up)’). RIB I, p.641

RIB 2093

RIB 2093: Altar set up by cohors I Nervana Germanorum for Fortuna found at Birrens before 1772. Fortunae / coh(ors) I / Nervana / Germanor(um) / (milliaria) eq(uitata) (‘For Fortune, the First Nervan Cohort of Germans, a thousand strong, part-mounted, (set this up)’). RIB I, p.641

RIB 2094

RIB 2094: Statuette base of Fortuna found at Birrens before 1773. Now lost. Fortunae [pro] / salute P(ubli) Campa[ni] / Italici praef(ecti) coh(ortis) I[I] Tun(grorum) Celer libertus / [v(otum)] s(olvit) l(aetus) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For Fortune for the welfare of Publius Campanius Italicus, prefect of the Second Cohort of Tungrians, his freedman Celer gladly, willingly, and deservedly fulfilled his vow’).RIB I, p.642

RIB 2095

RIB 2095: Altar for Fortuna found in 1886. Fortu/nae vo/tum / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] (‘For Fortune as a vow …’).RIB I, p.642

RIB 2096

RIB 2096: Altar for Harimella set up by an architectus found at Birrens before 1772. Deae / Harimel/lae sac(rum) Ga/midiahus / arc(h)it(ectus) v(otum) s(olvit) l(aetus) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘Sacred to the goddess Harimella, Gamidiahus, an engineer, gladly, willingly, and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I, p.642

RIB 2097: Altar for Jupiter found in a wall of the Old Church at Hoddom in 1815. I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) / coh(ors) I / Nervana / Germanor(um) / (milliaria) eq(uitata) cui / praeest L(ucius) Faeni/us Felix trib(unus) (‘To Jupiter, Best and Greatest, the First Nervan Cohort of Germans, a thousand strong, part-mounted, (set this up) commanded by the tribune Lucius Faenius Felix’). RIB I, p.643

RIB 2098: Altar for Jupiter found in 1814 ‘on the banks of the Kirtle’ near Springkell, 4 km E of Birrens. Now lost. [I(ovi)] O(ptimo) M(aximo) / [ ̣ ̣ ̣]iainius / [ ̣ ̣ ̣]i fecit pr(o(?)) / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] (‘To Jupiter, Best and Greatest, … made …’). RIB I, p.643

RIB 2099

RIB 2099: Altar for Jupiter Dolichenus found at Birrens in 1895. [I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo)] / Dol[iche]/no sacr(um) / Magun/na v(otum) s(olvit) (‘Sacred to Jupiter, Best and Greatest, of Doliche: Magunna fulfilled her vow’). RIB I, p.643

RIB 2100

RIB 2100: Altar for Mars and Victoria set up by the Raetian members of cohors II Tungrorum found at Birrens c.1812. Marti et Victo/riae Aug(usti) c(ives) Rae/ti milit(antes) in coh(orte) / II Tungr(orum) cui / praeest Silvius / Auspex praef(ectus) | v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) m(erito) (‘For Mars and the Emperor’s Victory, the Raetian tribesmen serving in the Second Cohort of Tungrians, which is commanded by the prefect Silvius Auspex, willingly and deservedly fulfilled their vow’). RIB I, p.644

RIB 2101

RIB 2101: Altar fragment found at Birrens before 1886. Now lost. Ma[…] / sa[…] (‘?’). RIB I, p.644

RIB 2102

RIB 2102: Statue base for Mercury found in a building outside the fort in 1731. Deo Mercu/rio Iul(ius) Cres/cens sigill(um) / collign(io) cult(orum) / eius d(e) s(uo) d(edit) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the god Mercury, Julius Crescens, for the use of the guild of the god’s worshippers, gave the statuette from his own resources, in willing and deserved fulfilment of his vow’). RIB I, p.644

RIB 2103

RIB 2103: Statue base for the emperor and Mercury found in a building outside the fort in 1731. Num(ini) Aug(usti) / deo Merc(urio) / sign(um) posu/erunt cu[l]/[t]ores col/ligni eius/dem dei cur(ante) / Ing(enuio) Rufo / v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) m(erito) (‘For the Divinity of the Emperor and the god Mercury, the worshippers of the guild of the same god set up this statue and willingly and deservedly fulfilled their vow under the charge of Ingenuius Rufus’). RIB I, p.645

RIB 2104

RIB 2104: Altar found to the W of Birrens in 1811. Deae / Minervae / coh(ors) II Tun/grorum / mil(liaria) eq(uitata) c(oram) l(audata) / cui praeest G(aius) Silv(ius) / Auspex praef(ectus) (‘For the goddess Minerva, the Second Cohort of Tungrians, a thousand strong, part-mounted, publicly praised, (set this up) under the command of the prefect Gaius Silvius Auspex’). RIB I, p.645

RIB 2105: Fragment of an altar for Neptune found on site XXII West, in the fort of Birrens, in 1937. D(eo) Nept/[un]o Cl(audius) / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] (‘For the god Neptune, Claudius […’). RIB I, p.646

RIB 2106

RIB 2106: Slab with a horned god naming Priapus probably found at Birrens before 1811. [P]ṛiapi m(entula) (‘Phallus of Priapus’). RIB I, p.646

RIB 2107

RIB 2107: Altar for Ricagambeda found at Birrens around 1812. Deae Ricagam/bedae pagus / Vellaus milit(ans) / coh(orte) II Tung(rorum) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the goddess Ricagambeda, (the men of) the Vellavian canton serving in the Second Cohort of Tungrians willingly and deservedly fulfilled a vow’). RIB I, p.646

RIB 2108

RIB 2108: Altar for Viradecthis found at Birrens before 1772. Deae Viradec/thi pa[g]us Con/drustis milit(ans) / in coh(orte) II Tungror(um) sub Silvi/o Auspice praef(ecto) (‘For the goddess Viradecthis, (the men of) the Condrusian canton serving in the Second Cohort of Tungrians under the prefect Silvius Auspex (set this up)’). RIB I, p.646

RIB 2109

RIB 2109: Altar for the gods and goddesses found at Birrens c.1812. Dib(us) De/ab(us)q(ue) / omnib(us) / Frument/ius mil(es) coh(ortis) II / Tungr(orum) (‘For all the gods and goddesses, Frumentius, a soldier of the Second Cohort of Tungrians, (set this up)’). RIB I, p.647

RIB 2110

RIB 2110: Dedication slab for Antoninus Pius found in the HQ building at Birrens in 1895. Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) T(ito) A[el(io)] Hadr(iano) / An[to]nino Aug(usto) [Pio po]nt(ifici) / max(imo) [tr]ib(unicia) pot(estate) XXI co(n)s(uli) IIII / coh(ors) II [Tung]r(orum) m[i]l(liaria) eq(uitata) c(oram) l(audata) / sub Iu[lio Vero] leg(ato) Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore) (‘For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, pontifex maximus, in the twenty-first year of tribunician power, four times consul, the Second Cohort of Tungrians, a thousand strong, part-mounted, (?)publicly praised, (set this up) under Julius Verus, emperor’s propraetorian legate’). RIB I, p.647

RIB 2111: Fragment of a dedication slab for Antoninus Pius found at Birrens in 1895. [I]m[p(eratori) C(aesari)] / [T(ito) Ael(io) Hadriano] / An[tonino Aug(usto)] / [Pio p(atri) p(atriae) pont(ifici) max(imo)] / […] (‘For the emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, father of his country, Chief Priest,…’). RIB I, p.648

RIB 21112

RIB 2112: Building stone of the Sixth Legion Victrix found at Birrens in 1895. leg(io) VI Vi[c(trix)] (‘The Sixth Legion Victrix (built this)’). RIB I, p.648

RIB 2113: Building stone of the Sixth Legion Victrix found in the old church at Hoddom in 1915. leg(io) VI Vic(trix) (‘The Sixth Legion Victrix (built this)’). RIB I, p.648

RIB 2114: Building stone of the Twentieth Legion (Valeria) Victrix found before 1772 at Birrens. Now lost. legio XX Vict(rix) (‘The Twentieth Legion (Valeria) Victrix (built this)’). RIB I, p.649

RIB 2115

RIB 2115: Tombstone found at Birrens before 1772. D(is) M(anibus) / Afutiano / Bassi (filio) or/dinato / coh(ortis) II Tung(rorum) / Flavia Baeti/ca coniunx / fac(iendum) curavit (‘For the spirits of the departed (and) for Afutianus, son of Bassus, centurion of the Second Cohort of Tungrians, Flavia Baetica, his wife, had this set up’). RIB I, p.649

RIB 2116: Fragment found at Birrens before 1772. Now lost. […]AXAN[…] / […]CONIS[…] (‘?’). RIB I p.649


Two double-strength, part-mounted cohorts are attested here, as would be expected for an outpost fort. The one most commonly attributed – cohors II Tungrorum – contained a substantial Raetian component after being posted to that province during the 2nd century AD and recruiting locally. Whether all or just part of the unit went there is disputed, arguments focusing on the substitution of a praefectus for the more usual tribunus as commander (with its implied status difference: a tribunus would be normal for a double-strength unit). This resulted in men from two different cantons (Condrusia and Vellavia) retaining a distinct identity within the unit, to judge from their inscriptions. The journey back from Raetia, with its inevitable sea voyage, may account for an altar for Neptune. The unusual deities Herimella, Ricagambeda, and Viradecthis all presumably originate in this distant province, as did the architectus (engineer) Gamidiahus. Another engineer, Amandus, is also recorded as a trainee engineer (discens architectus) at Iversheim in Germany, where there was a battery of lime kilns, reminding us that there was a large deposit of limestone near Birrens and that the reconstruction of Hadrian’s Wall under Septimius Severus produced a concomitant demand for large quantities of lime mortar. Amandus set up a conveniently ambiguous statuette to Brigantia, who was possibly a local deity in both northern Britain and Raetia (the Roman name of the fort at Bregenz in Austria was Brigantia). Building activity by both legiones VI Victrix and XX Valeria Victrix is attested.

PLV Inscriptions (Netherby)


These are the inscriptions from the Hadrian’s Wall outpost fort of Netherby (Castra Exploratum). The fort itself has never been excavated (although the extramural bath-house was examined in the 18th century), so little is known about its occupation beyond what can be deduced from inscriptions.


RIB 965

RIB 965: Altar for Apollo found before 1875 at Netherby. [De]o Apollini / Aurelius M[a]/te[r]nus pro / s[a]lu[t]e [s]ua et MI […] IIANAISA / MA […] v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the god Apollo … Aurelius Maternus for the welfare of himself and … willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I p.321

RIB 966

RIB 966: Altar for Cocidius found in 1772 at Netherby. Deo / sancto / Cocidio / Paternius / Maternus / tribunus coh(ortis) / I Nervan(a)e / ex evocato / Palatino / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the holy god Cocidius, Paternius Maternus, tribune of the First Cohort Nervana, promoted from evocatus Palatinus, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I p.322

RIB 967

RIB 967: Altar for an unidentified deity found before 1794 at Netherby. D(eo(?)) s(ancto(?)) E(…) / IVNLIIAR / Monime / PRID VNICI / […] ERESIS / PLERIVM […] A/RIVS posuit (‘For the holy deity … Monime … set this up’). RIB I p.322

RIB 968

RIB 968: Altar for Fortuna Conservatrix found before 1725 in the baths W of Netherby. Deae sanct/ae Fortunae / Conservatrici / Marcus Aurel(ius) / Salvius tribun/us coh(ortis) I Ael(iae) Hi/spanorum / (milliaria) eq(uitatae) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the holy goddess Fortuna Conservatrix, Marcus Aurelius Salvius, tribune of the First Aelian Cohort of Spaniards, one thousand strong, part-mounted, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). Dated to c.AD 222 by the mention of Salvius in RIB 978. RIB I p.323

RIB 969

RIB 969: Altar for Jupiter found before 1794 at Netherby. Primary: I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) / […] / […] / […] / v(otum) [s(olvit) l(ibens)] m(erito); Secondary: D(eo) Iu[ ̣ ̣]t/er(i) sanct(o) F̣/ortunat. … (Primary: ‘To Jupiter, Best and Greatest, … willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’; Secondary: ‘For the holy god Ju[…]teris Fortunat[us] (or Fortunat[a])…’.). RIB I p.323

RIB 970: Altar for Mars Belatucadrus found before 1672 at Netherby. Now lost. Deo Marti / Belatucadro / {RO} [A]ur(elius(?)) [Ni(?)]ca[n(?)]/or v(otum) s(olvit) [l(aetus) l(ibens)] m(erito) (‘For Mars Belatucadrus, Aurelius Nicanor gladly, willingly, and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I p.323

RIB 971

RIB 971: Altar for Mogons Vitiris found before 1711 at Netherby. Deo / Mogont(i) / Vitire san(cto) / Ael(ius) [Secund(us)] / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the holy god Mogons Vitiris, Aelius Secundus willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I p.323

RIB 972

RIB 972: Altar for Silvanus found before 1794 at Netherby. Deo / Silv(ano) (‘For the god Silvanus’). RIB I p.324

RIB 973: Altar for Hveter found in 1882 at Netherby. Deo / Hue/tiri (‘For the god Hveter’). RIB I p.324

RIB 974: Dedication for Hadrian by legio II Augusta found at Netherby before 1601. Now lost. Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) Tra(iano) / Hadriano / Aug(usto) / leg(io) II Aug(usta) fec(it) (‘For the Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus the Second Legion Augusta built (this)’). RIB I p.324

RIB 975: Fragment found at Netherby before 1672. Now lost. Imp(eratore) Comm(odo) co(n)s(ule) (‘In the consulship of the Emperor Commodus’). RIB I p.324

RIB 976: Dedication found at Arthuret church in 1609. Now lost. […] Iuliae Au[g(ustae)] / {M} matri Au[g(usti)] / [nostri M(arci) Aur]|eli{i} Anton[ini] / et castr(orum) [et] / senatus et / patriae pro / [pietate ac] / devotione / [communi] / num(ini) eius / [curante G(aio) Iul(io)] / Marc[o] l[eg(ato) Aug(ustorum)] / pr(o) pr(aetore) coh(ors) [I] Ael(ia) / [ Hisp(anorum) (milliaria) eq(uitata)] / posuit (‘… for Julia Augusta, mother of our Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and of the camps and Senate and country, out of their common duty and devotion to his Divinity, under the charge of Gaius Julius Marcus, emperor’s propraetorian legate, the First Aelian Cohort of Spaniards, one thousand strong, part-mounted, set this up’). RIB I p.325

RIB 977

RIB 977: Dedication slab found at Netherby before 1794. […] coh(ors) I / [Ael(ia) Hisp(anorum) (milliaria) eq(uitata)] Anto/[ninian]a ex solo / [exstruxit] sub cur(a) G(ai) Iul(i) / [Marci le]g(ati) Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore) instante / […]ṛ Maximo trib(uno) (‘… the First Aelian Cohort of Spaniards, one thousand strong, part-mounted, styled Antoniniana, built this from the foundations under the charge of Gaius Julius Marcus, emperor’s propraetorian legate, under the direction of … Maximus, tribune’). RIB I p.325

RIB 978

RIB 978: Dedication slab found at Netherby in 1762 set up by the double-strength, part-mounted cohors I Aelia Hispanorum. Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) M(arco) Aurelio / Severo Alexandro Pio [F]el(ici) Aug(usto) / pont(ifici) maximo trib(unicia) pot(estate) co(n)s(uli) p(atri) p(atriae) coh(ors) I Ael(ia) / Hispanorum (milliaria) eq(uitata) devota numini / maiestatique eius baselicam / equestrem exercitatoriam / iam pridem a solo coeptam / aedificavit consummavitque / sub cura Mari Valeriani leg(ati) / Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore) instante M(arco) Aurelio / Salvio trib(uno) coh(ortis) imp(eratore) d(omino) n(ostro) / Severo Alexandro Pio Fel(ice) / Aug(usto) co(n)s(ule) (‘For the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus, pontifex maximus, with tribunician power, consul, father of his country, the First Aelian Cohort of Spaniards, one thousand strong, part-mounted, devoted to his Divinity and majesty, built a cavalry drill-hall, long since begun from the ground, and completed it, under the charge of Marius Valerianus, emperor’s propraetorian legate, under the direction of Marcus Aurelius Salvius, tribune of the cohort in the consulship of our Lord the Emperor Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus’). RIB I p.326

RIB 979

RIB 979: Dedication slab found at Netherby before 1794. Dated to AD 222. [ ̣ ̣ ̣]is coh(ors) [I Ael(ia) Hisp(anorum) (milliaria) eq(uitata)] / [[Se]veriana [Alexandriana]] / templum nu[per nimia vetus]/tate conlabsu[m restituit et] / ad pristinam [formam consum]/mavit imp(eratoribus) d(ominis) [n(ostris) …] / […] (‘… the First Aelian Cohort of Spaniards, one thousand strong, part-mounted, Severiana Alexandriana, restored this temple, lately fallen in through excessive age, and completed it according to its original form when the Emperors our Lords … (were consuls)’). RIB I p.326

RIB 980

RIB 980: Dedication slab set up by legiones II Augusta & XX Valeria Victrix & cohors I Aelia Hispanorum found at Netherby before 1794. Original: [ ̣ ̣ ̣] temp[lum …] (‘… temple …’); recut: im[p(eratoris) …] ANTOIII / PIISVSBSCOS vexil(lationes) / leg(ionum) II Aug(ustae) et XX V(aleriae) V(ictricis) / item coh(ortis) I Ael(iae) Hisp(anorum) / (milliaria) eq(uitatae) sub cura M[o]/d[i] Iuli leg(atus) Aug(usti) / pr(o) pr(aetore) instante Ael(ius) / […] (‘For the Emperor … detachments of the Second Legion Augusta and the Twentieth Legion Valeria Victrix, also the First Aelian Cohort of Spaniards one thousand strong, part-mounted, (set this up) under the charge of Modius Iulius, imperial propraetorian legate, under the direction of Aelius …’). RIB I p.327

RIB 981

RIB 981: Building stone set up by a vexillation of legio VI Victrix found at Netherby before 1873. Main: vexilla/tio leg(ionis) / VI V(ictricis) P(iae) [F(idelis)] (‘A detachment of the Sixth Legion Victrix Pia Fidelis (built this)’); right-margin: leg(ionis) VI P(iae) [F(idelis)] (‘of the Sixth Legion Pia Fidelis’). RIB I p.327

RIB 982

RIB 982: Dedication found at Netherby before 1873. […] I ] R / […] C A V / [… opus] valli (‘… rampart-work’). RIB I p.327

RIB 983

RIB 983: Building stone found before 1875, probably at Netherby. [I]nvidio/[s]is mentula (‘A phallic charm against the envious’). RIB I p.327

RIB 984

RIB 984: Tombstone of Titullinia Pussitta found in creating a plantation near Netherby Hall. D(is) M(anibus) / Titullinia / Pussitta / ci(vi)s Raeta / vixsit / annos XXXV / menses VIII / dies XV / TV (‘For the spirits of the departed; Titullinia Pussitta, a Raetian, lived 35 years, 8 months, 15 days …’). RIB I p.328


Garrisoned by the double-strength, part-mounted cohors I Aelia Hispanorum, the outpost fort at Netherby was one of two such bases (the other being Birrens) that guarded the main road into Scotland on the western side of the Scottish lowlands. Dedications show elements of VI Victrix, II Augusta, and XX Valeria Victrix undertaking construction work at the site, the last two together with the garrison auxiliary unit. RIB 974 confirms that the first outpost fort here was constructed under Hadrian. Other inscriptions reveal the presence of at least one temple at the site (and there is a good range of deities represented amongst the altars), as well as the presence of civilians in a vicus, where the excavated bath building with its altar dedicated to Fortuna Conservatrix (a deity associated with risky ventures) was found. Netherby is the only fort to date which preserves a record of the construction of a cavalry exercise hall, essential for winter training, as Vegetius observed (Epitoma Rei Militaris 2.23).

PLV Inscriptions (Bewcastle)


These are the inscriptions from the outpost fort of Bewcastle (Fanum Cocidii). As with the other outpost forts, its occupation seems to have closely matched that of Hadrian’s Wall itself, down the Maiden Way, some 10km to the south-east.


RIB 985

RIB 985: Altar for Cocidius found c.1867 on Maiden Way half a mile S of Bewcastle fort. Deo / sancto / Cocidio / Annius / Victor / centuṛ(io) / legioni[s] / E (‘For the holy god Cocidius, Annius Victor, legionary centurion …’). RIB I p.328

RIB 986: Silver embossed plaque for Cocidius found in the principia strong room at Bewcastle in 1937. Deo Cocidio (‘For the god Cocidius’. RIB I p.329

RIB 987: Silver embossed plaque for Cocidius found in the principia strong room at Bewcastle in 1937. Deo / D(e)o Coc(i)dio / Av(e)ntinus f(ecit) (‘For the god Cocidius, Aventinus made (this)’). RIB I p.329

RIB 988

RIB 988: Altar for Cocidius found in the bed of the Kirk Beck at Bewcastle before 1793. Sancto Co/cideo Aurunc(eius) / Felicesse/mus tribun(us) / ex evocato / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For holy Cocidius, tribune Aurunceius Felicessemus, promoted from evocatus, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I p.329

RIB 989

RIB 989: Altar for Cocidius found built into the foundations on the north side of the church at Bewcastle in 1898. Deo sancto Cocidio / Q(uintus) Peltrasi[u]s / Maximus trib(unus) / ex corniculario / praef(ectorum) pr[a]etorio e/m(inentissimorum) v(irorum) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the holy god Cocidius, tribune Quintus Peltrasius Maximus, promoted from cornicularius to their Eminences, the Praetorian Prefects, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I p.330

RIB 990

RIB 990: Altar with secondary dedication for the discipline of the emperor found in 4th-century filling of the underground strong-room in the principia at Bewcastle in 1937. Primary: […] / […] NI / […] / […] / […] / […] / […] / […] / […] / VS […] (‘?’); Secondary: Discip(linae) / Aug(usti) (‘For the discipline of the emperor’). RIB I p.330

RIB 991: Altar for Jupiter set up by cohors I Dacorum found before 1794 at Demesne Farm at Bewcastle. Now lost. I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) / coh(ors) I Dac(orum) […] / […] / […]at[…]e[…]t(…) centur(io) / ḷeg̣(ionis) II [Aug(ustae)] / [v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito)] (‘For Jupiter, Best and Greatest, the First Cohort of Dacians … centurion of the Second Legion Augusta, willingly and deservedly fulfilled its vow’). RIB I p.330

RIB 992

RIB 992: Dedication for Jupiter Dolichenus found in 1852 in a field wall N of the church at Bewcastle. I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) / Dolicheno / templum a so[lo] / pro s[alute …] (‘For Jupiter, Best and Greatest, from Doliche … [built] this temple from its foundations for the welfare …’). RIB I p.330

RIB 993: Altar for Cocidius found in 1812 at Bewcastle. Now lost. Deo Ma/[rt]i Cocid(io) / sancto Aeliu[s] / Vitalianus / d(ono) d(edit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the god Mars Cocidius, the holy, Aelius Vitalianus willingly and deservedly gave this as a gift’). RIB I p.331

RIB 994

RIB 994: Altar fragment found in the bed of the Kirk Beck 400m W of Bewcastle before 1875. Now lost. Deo […] / […] (‘For the god …’). RIB I p.332

RIB 995: Dedication slab found whilst grave-digging in the churchyard at Bewcastle. Now lost. [Imp(eratori)] Caes(ari) Tra[iano] / Hadriano Aug(usto) / [le]g(iones) II Aug(usta) et XX V(aleria) [V(ictrix)] / […] IICNC ̣ IR […] / [leg(ato) A]u[g(usti)] pr(o) pr(aetore) (‘For the Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus the Second Legion Augusta and the Twentieth Legion Valeria Victrix, …, emperor’s propraetorian legate (built this)’). RIB I p.332

RIB 996: Dedication slab seen in the church at Bewcastle in 1601. leg(io) II Aug(usta) / fecit (‘The Second Legion Augusta built (this)’). Now lost. RIB I p.332

RIB 997: Parts of two bronze letters from an inscription found in the underground strong-room in the principia at Bewcastle in 1937. L (‘?’). RIB I p.332


Given the name of the site, Fanum Cocidii (shrine of Cocidius, a god of hunting and warfare), it is unsurprising to find dedications to Cocidius at Bewcastle. Occupation by the cohors I Dacorum, normally based to the south, down the Maiden Way, at Birdoswald is also easily explained. The vexillation of legiones II and XX may just have been involved in construction (as suggested by a dedication slab from II Augusta), but it could equally reflect the use of the site as a base for operations north of the Wall.

PLV Inscriptions (Risingham)


These are the inscriptions from the outpost fort of Risingham (Habitancum). As with High Rochester (only #km to the NE), its occupation seems to have closely matched that of Hadrian’s Wall itself, some #km to the south (along Dere Street).


RIB 1207

RIB 1207: Altar for Cocidius from Townfoot Farm (1km NE of Risingham fort) found before 1936 (when it was identified as inscribed). Deo Cocidio et / Sil[vano …] Sev/-[…] IOV / [… a]ram / […] / […] / […] / [v(otum)] s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the god Cocidius and to Silvanus … [set up] this altar, willingly and deservedly fulfilling his vow. ‘). RIB I p.396

RIB 1208

RIB 1208: Altar for the Dis Cultoribus (gods of this place) found in the bath building at Risingham in 1838. Dis culto/ribus huiu[s] / loci Iul(ius) / Victor trib(unus) (‘To the gods who dwell in this place Julius Victor, the tribune, (set this up)’). RIB I p.397

RIB 1209: Altar for Diana found at Risingham before 1601. Now lost. Deae / Dianae sa/cru(m) Ael(ia) / Timo p(osuit) / v(otum) s(olvens) [l(aeta)] l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the goddess Diana, Aelia Timo set up this holy offering, gladly, willingly, and deservedly fulfilling a vow’). RIB I p.397

RIB 1210

RIB 1210: Altar for Fortuna found in the bath building in the SE corner of Risingham fort in 1840. Fortunae / sacrum G(aius) / Valerius / Longinus / trib(unus) (altar) [F]ortun[ae] sacrum G(aius) / Val(erius) Longinus trib(unus) (base) (‘Sacred to Fortune: Gaius Valerius Longinus, tribune, (set this up)’). RIB I p.397

RIB 1211: Altar for Fortuna found at Risingham fort before 1717. Now lost. Fortunae / Aug(ustae) / Ael(ia) / Proculina / v(otum) s(olvit) (‘For the Emperor’s Fortune Aelia Proculina fulfilled her vow’). RIB I p.398


RIB 1212

RIB 1212: Altar for Fortuna found in the bath building in the SE corner of Risingham fort in 1840 (probably). Fortunae Reduc[i] / Iulius Severinus / trib(unus) explicito / balineo v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For Fortuna of Safe Returns, Julius Severinus, tribune, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow, on completion of the baths’). RIB I p.398

RIB 1213: Altar for Hercules found at Risingham fort before 1599. Now lost. [Deo] / Hercu/li Iul(ius) / Paullus / trib(unus) / v(otum) s(olvit) (‘For the god Hercules, the tribune Julius Paullus fulfilled his vow’). RIB I p.398

RIB 1214: Altar for Hercules found at Risingham fort in 1827. Now lost. [D]e[o] / (H)e[r]cul[i G(aius)] / V[al(erius)] Lon/[g]inu[s] / trib(unus) / […] (‘For the god Hercules, the tribune Gaius Valerius Longinus [set this up]’).. RIB I p.399


RIB 1215

RIB 1215: Altar for Hercules found at Risingham fort before 1591. Deo Invicto / Herculi sacr(um) / L(ucius) Aemil(ius) Salvianus / tr[i]b(unus) coh(ortis) I Vangi(onum) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘Sacred to the Invincible God Hercules, Lucius Aemilius Salvianus, tribune of the First Cohort of Vangiones, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I, p.399

RIB 1216: Altar for Jupiter found at Risingham fort c.1751. Now lost. I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) / v[e]xi[l](latio) G(aesatorum) R(aetorum) / q(uorum) c(uram) a(git) / Aemil(ius) Aemilianus / trib(unus) coh(ortis) I Vang(ionum) (‘For Jupiter, Best and Greatest, the detachment of Raetian Spearmen, under the command of Aemilius Aemilianus, tribune of the First Cohort of Vangiones (set this up)’). RIB I, p.400

RIB 1217: Altar for Jupiter found at Risingham fort c.1751. Now lost. [I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo)(?)] / [ve]xi[l](latio) G(aesatorum) R(aetorum) / q(uorum) c(uram) a(git) / Iul(ius) Victor / tr[i]b(unus) coh(ortis) I V/angionum (‘For Jupiter, Best and Greatest, the detachment of Raetian Spearmen, under the command of Julius Victor, tribune of the First Cohort of Vangiones (set this up)’). RIB I, p.400

RIB 1218: Altar for Jupiter found at Risingham fort before 1732. Now lost. I(ovi) O(ptimo) Ṃ(aximo) O / IOVIOM (‘For Jupiter, Best and Greatest …’). RIB I, p.400


RIB 1219

RIB 1219: Altar for Jupiter found in the bath-house at Risingham fort in 1839 or 1840. I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) D[olicheno pro salute …] / imp(eratorum) C[aes(arum) …] (‘For Jupiter Dolichenus, Best and Greatest, for the welfare … of the Emperor-Caesars …’). RIB I, p.401

RIB 1220: Altar for Jupiter Dolichenus found at Risingham fort before 1702. Now lost. [I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo)] / Dolocheno / G(aius) Iul(ius) Publ(ilius) / Pius trib(unus) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For [Jupiter Best and Greatest] Dolichenus, Gaius Julius Publilius Pius, tribune, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I, p.401

RIB 1221: Altar for Mars Victor found at Risingham fort before 1716. Now lost. Marti / Victori / [I]ul(ius) Publi(lius) / [P]ius trib(unus) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For Mars Victor, tribune Julius Publilius Pius, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I, p.401

RIB 1222: Altar for Mars Victor found at Risingham fort before 1716. Now lost. Marti / Victor[i] / [… ]RRON[…] / Au[r(elio)] EINV / trib(uno) [c(uram)] ag(ente) (‘For Mars Victor … (set this up) under the charge of the tribune Aurelius …’). RIB I, p.402

RIB 1223: Altar for Mars Victor found at Risingham fort in 1842. [ ̣ ̣ ̣] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣ Marti Vi]ctori / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] nius Pr[ ̣] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] / [ ̣ ̣] trib(un…) libe/rtus ex v(oto) s(olvit) l(ibens) a(nimo) (‘For … Mars Victor … freedman fulfilled it in accordance with a vow with a willing spirit’). RIB I, p.402


RIB 1224

RIB 1224: Altar for the overseas goddesses found at Risingham in 1788. Matribu/s Trama/rinis Iul(ius) / Victor v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the Mother Goddesses from overseas Julius Victor willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). RIB I, p.402


RIB 1225

RIB 1225: Altar for Mogons Cad(…) found in the River Rede just north of Risingham fort before 1599. [D]eo / Mogonito Cad(…) / et N(umini) d(omini) n(ostri) Aug(usti) / M(arcus) G(avius(?)) Secundinus / [b(ene)]f(iciarius) co(n)s(ularis) Habita/nci prima stat(ione) / pro se et suis posu[it] (‘For the god Mogons Cad(…) and to the Divinity of our Lord Augustus, Marcus Gavius Secundinus, beneficiarius of the governor, on his first tour of duty at Habitancum, set this up for himself and his own’). RIB I, p.403

RIB 1226: Altar for Mo(g)ons Cad(…) found in the River Rede just north of Risingham fort before 1599. Now lost. Deo / Mo(g)uno Cad(…) / Inventus do(no) / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] / v(otum) s(olvit) (‘For the god Mogunus Cad(…) (from) Inventus as a gift … fulfilled his vow’). RIB I, p.403


RIB 1227

RIB 1227: Dedication slab found at Risingham fort before 1599. Numinib(us) / [Augustor(um)] coh(ors) IIII Gal(lorum) / eq(uitata) / fec(it) (‘For the Divinities of the Emperors, the Fourth Cohort of Gauls, part-mounted, set this up’). RIB I, p.404


RIB 1228

RIB 1228: Altar for the nymphs found in 1825 near a spring on the east side of Dere Street. Somnio prae/monitus / miles hanc / ponere ius/ sit / aram quae / Fabio nup/ta est Nym/phis vene/randis (‘Forewarned by a dream, a soldier bade she who is married to Fabius to set up this altar to the Nymphs who are to be worshipped’). RIB I, p.404


RIB 1229

RIB 1229: Fragmentary inscription found at Risingham before 1857. […] / pro salute / Arr(unti) Paulini / Theodotus / lib(ertus) (‘… for the welfare of Arruntius Paulinus, Theodotus, his freedman, (set this up)’). RIB I, p.404

RIB 1230: Altar for an unknown deity found at Risingham before 1875. […] RAN […] / […]I[…]I[…]L[…]/[…]/[…]/[… coh(ortis)] / I Van[g(ionum)] s(olvit) (‘… of the First Cohort of Vangiones fulfilled (his vow)’). RIB I, p.405

RIB 1231: Altar for an unknown deity found at Risingham before 1599. Now lost. [ ̣ ̣ ̣ coh(ors)] I Va[ng(ionum)] / [e]q(uitata) mil(liaria) cu/i praeest M(arcus) / Peregrinius / Super trib(unus) (‘… the First Cohort of Vangiones, part-mounted, one thousand strong, (set this up) under the command of the tribune Marcus Peregrinius Super’). RIB I, p.405

RIB 1232: Fragment of an altar probably found at Risingham in 1849. […] / esi […] / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘… willingly and deservedly fulfilled the vow’). RIB I, p.406

RIB 1233: Fragment of an altar found at Risingham before 1760. Now lost. O DANA … II … (?). RIB I, p.406


RIB 1234

RIB 1234: Dedication slab found at the S gate of Risingham fort in 1844. [Imp(eratoribus) Caes(aribus) L(ucio)] / [Sept(imio) Severo Pio Pertin]/[aci Arab(ico) Adi]ab(enico) Part(h)[i]co Maxi(mo) / co(n)s(uli) III et M(arco) Aurel(io) Antonino Pio / co(n)s(uli) II Aug(ustis) ⟦et P(ublio) Sept(imio) Getae nob(ilissimo) Caes(ari)⟧ / portam cum muris vetustate di/lapsis iussu Alfeni Senecionis v(iri) c(larissimi) / co(n)s(ularis) curante Oclatinio Advento proc(uratore) / Aug(ustorum) n(ostrorum) coh(ors) I Vangion(um) (milliaria) eq(uitata) / cum Aem[i]l(io) Salviano trib(uno) / suo a solo restit(uit) (‘For the Emperor Caesars Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax, conqueror of Arabia, conqueror of Adiabene, Greatest Conqueror of Parthia, thrice consul, Augustus, and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius, twice consul, Augustus, and for Publius Septimius Geta, most noble Caesar, the First Cohort of Vangiones, one thousand strong, part-mounted, restored from ground-level this gate and walls, which had collapsed through age, at the command of Alfenus Senecio, of senatorial rank and consular governor, under the charge of Oclatinius Adventus, procurator of our Emperors, together with their tribune Aemilius Salvianus’). RIB I, p.406


RIB 1235

RIB 1235: Dedication slab mostly found in the HQ of Risingham fort in 1849. [Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) di]vi Sept(imi) [Severi Pii Arabici Adi]abenic[i Parthici Maxi]mi Bri[tannici Maxi]mi filio di[vi Antonini Pii] / [Germanici] Sarmati[ci nepoti divi Anton]ini Pii pro[nepoti divi H]adriani a[bnep(oti) divi Traian]i Partichi et [divi Nervae adnep(oti)] / [M(arco) Aurelio] Anton[ino Pio Fel(ici) Aug(usto) Parth]ico Maxim[o Britannico Maximo Germanico Maximo] trib(unicia) potesta[te XVI imperatori II] / [patri pat]ri(a)e proconsuli pro [pietate ac dev]otione com[muni e]t Iu[liae Domnae Piae Fel(ici) Aug(ustae) Ma]tri August[i nostri item] / [castroru]m senatus {h}ac patri(a)e pro [pi]etate {h}ac d[evoti]one [communi curante ⟦[…]⟧ leg(ato)] Aug(ustorum) [pr(o) pr(aetore)] / [coh(ors) I Van]gionum item Raeti Gae[sa]ti et Expl[oratores Habitancenses] posuerun[t d(evoti) n(umini) m(aiestati) q(ue) eorum] (‘For the Emperor Caesar, son of the deified Septimius Severus Pius, conqueror of Arabia, conqueror of Adiabene, Greatest Conqueror of Parthia, Greatest Conqueror of Britain, grandson of the deified Antoninus Pius, conqueror of Germany, conqueror of Sarmatia, great-grandson of the deified Antoninus Pius, great-great-grandson of the deified Hadrian, great-great-great-grandson of the deified Trajan, conqueror of Parthia, and of the deified Nerva, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, Greatest Conqueror of Parthia, Greatest Conqueror of Britain, Greatest Conqueror of Germany, in his sixteenth year of tribunician power, twice acclaimed Imperator, father of his country, proconsul, out of their joint duty and devotion, and for Julia Domna Pia Felix Augusta, mother of our Emperor, similarly of the army, Senate and country, out of their joint duty and devotion, under the charge of …, imperial propraetorian legate, the First Cohort of Vangiones, likewise the Raetian Spearmen and the Scouts of Habitancum, devoted to their divinity and majesty, set this up’). RIB I, p.407


RIB 1236

RIB 1236: Dedication slab found in the bath building in the SE corner of Risingham fort in 1840. Imp(erator) Caes(ar) M(arcus) [Aurelius] / Antoninus P[ius Fel(ix) Aug(ustus)] / Adiabenicu[s Parthicus] / M[a]xi[mus ̣ ̣ ̣] (‘The Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, conqueror of Adiabene, Most Great Conqueror of Parthia … ‘). RIB I, p.408


RIB 1237

RIB 1237: Altar found at Risingham before 1599. […] / [imp(eratoris) Caes(aris) M(arci)] / Aur(eli) Anton[i]/ni Pii Aug(usti) M(arcus) / Messorius / Diligens tri/bunus sacrum (‘… for the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Augustus, the tribune Marcus Messorius Diligens (set up) this sacred offering. RIB I, p.408

RIB 1238: Dedication found at Risingham before 1716. [… tr]ib(unicia) potest(ate) […] / [… in]dulgen[ti]s[simo …] / [… dili]gentiss[i]m[o …] / […] CM OOMLTV […] / [… p]r[i]nc[i]pi ob re[fect…] / […] TADCEXXATES […] / VCINMOCA […] / […] VAC trib(unus) devot[i]s[si]m[u]s [… ̣] (‘… with tribunician power … because of the re(building?) … tribune … ‘). RIB I, p.409

RIB 1239: Building stone of legio VI Victrix found at Risingham near the site of the internal bath-building in 1844. Now lost. leg(io) VI | Vic(trix) | P(ia) F(idelis) f(ecit) (‘The Sixth Legion Pia Fidelis built (this)’). RIB I, p.409


RIB 1240

RIB 1240: Building stone of a cohors Nerviorum built into a wall near Risingham fort found in 1872. Now lost. vexil(latio) [coh(ortis) … ] / Nerv[ior(um)] / fec[it] (‘A detachment (of the … Cohort) of Nervians built (this)’). RIB I, p.409


RIB 1241

RIB 1241: Building stone of the cohors I Vangionum found before 1601 at Risingham. coh(ors) I Vang(ionum) / fecit curante / Iul(io) Paullo trib(uno) (‘The First Cohort of Vangiones made (this) under the command of the tribune Julius Paullus’). RIB I, p.409

RIB 1242: Dedication slab found at Risingham before 1601. Now lost. [ ̣ ̣ ̣]ICOS cui pr(a)e[est …] / […] Ṃ(arcus) Aurel(ius) Cast[us …] / […] vetustate conlabs[…] (‘… under the command of … Marcus Aurelius Castus … collapsed through age …’). RIB I, p.409

RIB 1243: Dedication slab found in draining between West Woodburn and Risingham before 1827. […] / [pe]r coh(ortem) [I Vang(ionum)] / [et n]ume[rum] / [E]xplor[ator(um)] / [a] sol(o) re[stit(uit)] (‘… through the agency of the First Cohort of Vangiones and the Unit of Scouts restored (this) from ground-level’). RIB I, p.410

RIB 1244: Dedication slab found at Risingham before 1832. Now lost. […] OI […] / […]EO[…] / […] co[h(ors) … ] / […] et n[umerus …] / […] et Ex[ploratores] (‘… Cohort … and Unit … and Scouts …’). RIB I, p.410

RIB 1245: Fragmentary inscription found at Risingham before 1925. [… f]eci[t …] (‘… made …’). RIB I, p.410


RIB 1246

RIB 1246: Tombstone of 10-year-old Aemilianus found at Chesterhope, near Risingham, before 1777. D(is) M(anibus) / Aemilianus / annorum / X (‘To the spirits of the departed: Aemilianus, aged 10’). RIB I, p.410


RIB 1247

RIB 1247: Tombstone of a standard-bearer found built into the fort-wall at Risingham in 1842. […] / Iul(ius) Victor / sig(nifer) vix(it) an(nos) / LV (‘… Julius Victor, standard-bearer, lived 55 years’). RIB I, p.411


RIB 1248

RIB 1248: Tombstone found built into the north-east angle of the fort-wall at Risingham in 1842. D(is) M(anibus) / Satrius / Honoratus / vixit an/nis V me/(n)sibus VIII (‘To the spirits of the departed: Satrius Honoratus lived 5 years, 8 months’). RIB I, p.411


RIB 1249

RIB 1249: Tombstone probably found at Risingham before 1869. […] / mil(es) coh(ortis) IIII Gal(lorum) / sti(pendiorum) XIIII def(unctus) / [vix]sit an(n)is / XXXXIIII (‘… soldier of the Fourth Cohort of Gauls, of 14 years’ service at death, he lived 44 years’). RIB I, p.411


RIB 1250

RIB 1250: Tombstone found built into the fort-wall of Risingham, 6.1m S of the NE angle in 1842. D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Aur(eliae) Lupu/l(a)e matri / piissim(a)e / Dionysius / Fortuna|tus filius / s(it) t(ibi) / t(erra) l(evis) (‘Sacred to the spirits of the departed (and) to his very devoted mother Aurelia Lupula Dionysius Fortunatus, her son, (set this up); may the earth rest lightly on you’). RIB I, p.411


RIB 1251

RIB 1251: Tombstone of Aurelia Quartilla found built into the fort-wall of Risingham, 6.1m S of the NE angle in 1842. D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Aur(elia) Quartil/la vix(it) an/nis XIII m(ensibus) I V / d(iebus) XXII Aur(elius) / Quartinus / posuit fili|ae suae (‘Sacred to the spirits of the departed, Aurelia Quartilla, lived 13 years, 4 (?) months, 22 days, Aurelius Quartinus set this up to his own daughter’). RIB I, p.412

RIB 1252: Tombstone of Iuliona found at Chesterhope, 1.6km SE of Risingham before 1777. Now lost. D(is) [M(anibus)] / Iuliona […]/ni filia vixit / ann[o]s XVI m(enses) XI / di[es] XIIII (‘To the spirits of the departed: Juliona, daughter of …, lived 16 years, 11 months, 14 days’). RIB I, p.412


RIB 1253

RIB 1253: Tombstone with a fragmentary epitaph in verse found at Townfoot Farm, 300m E of All Saints Church, East Woodburn, and over 1.2km NE of Risingham fort in 1826. [… Flam]inii […]nsae / […]ae dominar|[is … se]mper geli/[dis …]te pruini[s] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] qui sib[i] / […] IIIΛS / […] FICTNI[…] / […]ue frag[…] / […] tibi pro / […] RCE pro / […] Flaminius O / […]e profund[…] / [… l]ucem volv/[it …]dere vitae (‘?’). RIB I, p.412


RIB 1254

RIB 1254: Tombstone to an unnamed daughter, 1 year and 21 days old, found at Risingham before 1601. D(is) M(anibus) / Blescius / Diovicus / filiae / suae / vixsit / an(n)um / I et die(s) XXI (‘To the spirits of the departed; Blescius Diovicus (set this up) to his own daughter; she lived one year and 21 days’). RIB I, p.413


RIB 1255

RIB 1255: Tombstone found at Risingham in 1842 dated to May AD 278. […]s decep[tus] / […] ann(orum) XXII / [a(nte) d(iem) …] Kal(endas) Iun(ias) […] / [inte]re[v]it im[p(eratore)] / [Prob]o it(erum) co(n)s(ule) / [h(eres)] f(aciendum) c(uravit) / [A]ure[l]ius Vict[or] / avunculu[s] (‘… entrapped … at the age of 22; on May … he died when the Emperor Probus was consul for the second time; his uncle Aurelius Victor as heir had this erected’). RIB I, p.413


RIB 1256

RIB 1256: Tombstone found at Risingham in 1877. […]vius / […]rulus dul/[cissimus pare]ntibus suis / [ille cum per val]etudinem sit / [impeditus nat(urae)] ord(ine) filio / [heres est] substit(ut)us (‘…]rulus, most sweet to his parents, the other, when he had been prevented by ill-health, was substituted [as heir] instead of the son, following the natural succession’). RIB I, p.414

RIB 1257: Tombstone seen in 1911 in the garden of Elsdon Rectory. Now lost. Dis Ma[ni]/bus / C[…]la[…]us / vix(it) […] / […] (‘To the spirits of the departed … lived …’). RIB I, p.414

RIB 1258: Tombstone of the daughter of Co[…]eranus found before 1910 in the east gable of the Yellow House, 400m NE of West Woodburn bridge. […] / filia Co[…]/erani vi[x(it)] / anno[s] XVII[I] / s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) [l(evis)] (‘… daughter of Co[…]eranus, she lived 18 years, may the earth lie lightly on you’). RIB I, p.415

RIB 1259: Fragmentary tombstone found at Risingham before 1732. Now lost. D(is) M(anibus) / […]uxiani / […] Mufo / […]t (‘To the spirits of the departed … Mufo …’). RIB I, p.415

RIB 1260: Tombstone fragment found at Risingham in 1842. [D(is)] M(anibus) / […] (‘To the spirits of the departed …’). RIB I, p.415

RIB 1261: Tombstone fragment found at Risingham before 1732. [D(is) M(anibus)] s(acrum) / […]RIN[…] / […]ATER[…] / […]VIT (‘Sacred to the spirits of the departed …’). RIB I, p.415


Whilst the ‘edge of empire’ cliche is relentlessly over-used of Hadrian’s Wall itself, it is much closer to the truth in the outpost forts, as the composition of the garrisons based there confirms. Cohorts of mixed infantry and cavalry, expanded from the quingenary IIII Gallorum in the Antonine period to the milliary I Vangonum in the 3rd century, together with scouts and Raetian frontier specialists, hint at the intelligence-gathering role of these forts. What is perhaps surprising is that families still accompanied the troops on these out-of-the-way postings, as the tombstones listed attest. Whether this denotes a certain recklessness on the part of the troops, or (more likely, one might venture) an indication that conditions out here were settled and of no great concern, is uncertain.

PLV Inscriptions (High Rochester)


These are the inscriptions from the outpost fort of High Rochester (Bremenium). The easternmost outpost fort, its occupation seems to have closely matched that of Hadrian’s Wall itself, some 34km to the south (along Dere Street).



RIB 1262

RIB 1262: Altar to the genius of the emperors and the standards, found in the strong-room of the fort at High Rochester in 1852. G(enio) d(omini) n(ostri) et / Signorum / coh(ortis) I Vardul[l(orum)] / et n(umeri) Explora/tor(um) Brem(eniensium) Gor(diani) / Egnat(ius) Lucili/anus leg(atus) Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore) / curante Cassio / Sabiniano trib(uno) (‘For the genius of our Lord and of the standards of the First Cohort of Vardulli and of the Unit of Scouts of Bremenium, called “Gordian”, Egnatius Lucilianus, emperor’s propraetorian legate, (set this up) under the charge of the tribune Cassius Sabinianus’). Source: RIB I p.416.


RIB 1263

RIB 1263: Altar to the genius of the emperors and the standards, found in the baths at High Rochester in 1773. Genio et Signis / coh(ortis) I F(idae) Vardul(lorum) / c(ivium) R(omanorum) eq(uitatae) (milliaria) / T(itus) Licinius Valeri/anus [t]rib(unus) (‘For the genius and the standards of the First Loyal Cohort of Vardulli, Roman citizens, part-mounted, one thousand strong, the tribune Titus Licinius Valerianus (set this up)’). Source: RIB I p.417.


RIB 1264

RIB 1264: Altar for Hercules found inside the north-west angle of the fort at High Rochester around 1729. Deo / Hercu/lenti (‘For the god Hercules’). Source: RIB I p.417.


RIB 1265

RIB 1265: Dedication to Matunus found on the medieval motte at Elsdon, 11.25 km. SE of High Rochester about 1715. Deo Matuno / pro salute / M(arci) [A]ur[eli ̣ ̣ ̣] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] / bono generis / humani impe/rante G(aius) ⟦Iulius / Marcus⟧ leg(atus) / Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore) posuit / ac dedicavit / c(uram) a(gente) Caecil(io) Optato trib(uno) (‘For the god Matunus, for the welfare of Marcus Aurelius …, reigning for the good of humanity, Gaius Julius Marcus, emperor’s propraetorian legate, set up and dedicated this, under the charge of the tribune Caecilius Optatus’). Source: RIB I p.417.


RIB 1266

RIB 1266: Altar for Minerva found in a large building on the W side of the S gate of the fort before 1810. Deae Mi/nerv(a)e Iul(ius) / Carantus s(ingularis) c(onsularis) (‘For the goddess Minerva, Julius Carantus, singularis consularis, (set this up)’). Source: RIB I p.418.


RIB 1267

RIB 1267: Altar for Minerva from High Rochester found before 1810. Deae sanctae / Minervae / Flavius Se/verinus / trib(unus) aram / dedit (‘For the holy goddess Minerva, the tribune Flavius Severinus gave this altar’). Source: RIB I p.418.


RIB 1268

RIB 1268: Altar for Minerva from High Rochester found before 1810. Deae Mi/nervae et / Genio col/legi Caecil(ius) / Optatus trib(unus) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For the goddess Minerva and to the Genius of the guild, the tribune Caecilius Optatus willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). Source: RIB I p.418.


RIB 1269

RIB 1269: Altar for Moguntes set up by a decurion from High Rochester found before 1810. Dis / Mo(g)unti/bus Iul(ius) / Firmin/us dec(urio) f(ecit) (‘For the Moguntes gods, the decurion Julius Firminus made this’). Source: RIB I p.418.


RIB 1270

RIB 1270: Altar for the goddess Roma found before 1602 at High Rochester. D(eae) R(omae) s(acrum) / dupl(icarii) n(umeri) Explor(atorum) / Bremen(iensium) aram / institverunt / n(atali) eius c(urante) Caep(ione) / Charitino trib(uno) / v(otum) s(olventes) l(ibentes) m(erito) (‘Sacred tp the goddess Roma, the duplicarii of the unit of Scouts of Bremenium set up this altar on her birthday, under the charge of the tribune Caepio Charitinus, willingly and deservedly fulfilling their vow’). Source: RIB I p.419.


RIB 1271

RIB 1271: Altar for Silvanus Pantheus found near the NW angle of the fort at High Rochester in 1729. Silvano / [Pa]ntheo / [p]ro sa[lute] / [Ru]fin[i] trib(uni) et / [L]ucillae (uxoris) eius / Eutychus / lib(ertus) c(um) s(uis) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For Silvanus Pantheus, for the welfare of Rufinus, the tribune, and Lucilla, his (wife), Eutychus the freedman, with his dependants, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). Source: RIB I p.419.


RIB 1272

RIB 1272: Dedication slab for Mithras found at High Rochester before 1730. Deo Invicto et Soli soc(io) / sacrum pro salute et / incolumitate imp(eratoris) Caes(aris) / M(arci) Aureli Antonini Pii Felic(is) / Aug(usti) L(ucius) Caecilius Optatus / trib(unus) coh(ortis) I Vardul(lorum) cum con[se]/craneis votum Deo [ ̣ ̣ ̣] / a solo extruct[um ̣ ̣ ̣] (‘Sacred to the invincible god, the Sun and companion, for the welfare and safety of the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, Lucius Caecilius Optatus, tribune of the First Cohort of Vardulli, with his fellow-devotees [erected this building], vowed for the god, constructed from ground level’). Source: RIB I p.420.


RIB 1273

RIB 1273: Altar for Victory and Peace found near Featherwood, on the line of Dere Street, about 5.6 km N of High Rochester fort in 1914. Victoriae / et Paci Iul(ius) / Melanio tr[i]b(unus) / [[i]mp(eratore) Volusiano]] et / Publicola co(n)s(ulibus) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (‘For Victory and Peace, the tribune Julius Melanio, in the consulship of emperor Volusian and Publicola, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow’). Dated to AD 253. Source: RIB I p.420.


RIB 1274

RIB 1274: Dedication slab found at High Rochester between 1852 and 1855. Dea[e ̣ ̣ ̣] /ne M[ ̣ ̣ ̣] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] (‘For the goddess …’). Source: RIB I p.421.


RIB 1275

RIB 1275: Altar base thought to have been found at High Rochester before 1888. […] / [p]ro se f(ecit) (‘… made it on his own behalf’). Source: RIB I p.422.


RIB 1276

RIB 1276: Dedication slab found reused face down in the floor of a water-tank in front of the principia at High Rochester in 1852. Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) T(ito) Aelio / H[a]d(riano) Antonino Aug(usto) Pio p(atri) p(atriae) / sub Q(uinto) Lol(lio) Urbico / leg(ato) Aug(usti) pro prae(tore) / coh(ors) I Ling(onum) / eq(uitata) f(ecit) (‘For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, father of his country, under Quintus Lollius Urbicus, emperor’s propraetorian legate, the First Cohort of Lingones, part-mounted, built this’). Source: RIB I p.422.


RIB 1277

RIB 1277: Dedication slab found at High Rochester before 1827. Dated to AD 205–7. Now lost. […] / [Perti]nac[i Arab(ico)] / [Adia]ḅ(enico) Par[thico Max(imo)] / [co(n)s(uli) III et] imp(eratori) [Caes(ari) M(arco) Aur(elio)] / [Anto]ṇino […] (‘For … Pertinax, conqueror of Arabia, conqueror of Adiabene, Most Great Conqueror of Parthia, consul three times, and for the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus …’). Source: RIB I p.422.

RIB 1278: Dedication slab found at High Rochester in 1852. Dated to AD 213. [Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) L(uci) Sept(imi) Severi Pii / Pertinacis Aug(usti) Arabici / Adiabenici Parth(ici) Max(imi) / fil(io) divi Antonini Sarm(atici) / nep(oti) divi Antonini Pii / pron(epoti)] di[vi Hadr(iani) abnep(oti)] / [divi] Tr[aiani Parth(ici)] / [et di]vi N[ervae adnep(oti)] / [M(arco)] Aure[lio Antonino] / [Pi]o Fel(ici) [Aug(usto) Parthico] / [M]axim[o Brit(annico) Maximo] / [p]ontif(ici) [maximo tr(ibunicia) pot(estate)] / [X]VI Imp(eratori) [II p(atri) p(atriae) proco(n)s(uli)] / [pr]o pie[tate et devotione] / [communi …] (‘For the Emperor Caesar, son of Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus, conqueror of Arabia, conqueror of Adiabene, Most Great Conqueror of Parthia, grandson of the deified Antoninus, conqueror of Sarmatia, great-grandson of the deified Antoninus Pius, great-great-grandson of the deified Hadrian, great-great-great-grandson of the deified Trajan, conqueror of Parthia, and great-great-great-great-grandson of the deified Nerva, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, Most Great Conqueror of Parthia, Most Great Conqueror of Britain, pontifex maximus, in his sixteenth year of tribunician power, twice acclaimed imperator, father of his country, proconsul, from their joint duty and devotion …’). Source: RIB I p.422.


RIB 1279

RIB 1279: Dedication slab used as a cover-slab ‘upon two supporters’ at High Rochester found before 1745. Dated to AD 216. Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) M(arco) Aurelio / Severo Antonino / Pio Felici Aug(usto) Parthic(o) / Max(imo) Brit(annico) Max(imo) Germ(anico) / Max(imo) pontifici maxim(o) / trib(unicia) potest(ate) XVIIII Imp(eratori) II / co(n)s(uli) IIII proco(n)s(uli) p(atri) p(atriae) coh(ors) I / Fida Vardul(lorum) c(ivium) R(omanorum) eq(uitata) (milliaria) Anto|niniana fecit sub cura ⟦[…]⟧ / ⟦[…]⟧ leg(ati) Aug(usti) pro p[r(aetore)] {‘For the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, Most Great Conqueror of Parthia, Most Great Conqueror of Britain, Most Great Conqueror of Germany, pontifex maximus, in his nineteenth year of tribunician power, twice acclaimed imperator, four times consul, proconsul, father of his country, the First Loyal Cohort of Vardulli, Roman citizens, part-mounted, one thousand strong, Antoniniana, built this under the charge of …, emperor’s propraetorian legate’}. Source: RIB I p.422.


RIB 1280

RIB 1280: Dedication slab recording construction of a ballistarium found in two pieces at High Rochester before 1810 and in 1855 (latter part now lost). Dated to AD 220. Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) M(arco) Au[r]elio / ⟦ Antonino⟧ Pio Fel(ici) Aug(usto) / trib(unicia) pot(estate) ⟦III⟧ co(n)s(uli) ⟦III⟧ p[roco(n)s(uli)] / p(atri) p(atriae) ballist(arium) a sol[o] coh(ors) I F(ida) / Vardul(lorum) ⟦A[nt(oniniana)]⟧ [s]ub cura / Tib(eri) Cl(audi) Paul[ini le]g(ati) Aug(usti) / pr(o) pr(aetore) fe[cit insta]ṇtẹ / P(ublio) Ael[io Erasino trib(uno)] (‘For the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus, holding tribunician power three times, in his third consulship, proconsul, father of his country, the First Loyal Cohort of Vardulli, called Antoniniana, built an artillery-platform from ground-level, under the charge of Tiberius Claudius Paulinus, emperor’s propraetorian legate, directed by the tribune Publius Aelius Erasinus’). Source: RIB I p.423.


RIB 1281

RIB 1281: Dedication slab found in 1855 near the middle of High Rochester fort. Dated to AD 222–35. Imp(eratori) Cae[s(ari) M(arco) Aur(elio)] ⟦[Seve]/ro Alex[andr]o⟧ P(io) F̣(elici) [Aug(usto) ̣ ̣] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] ⟦[matr(i)]⟧ / ⟦i[mp(eratoris) Caes(aris) et ca]s(trorum)⟧ coh(ors) I F(ida) Vard(ullorum) / ⟦(milliaria) S(everiana) A(lexandriana)⟧ ballis(tarium) a solo re[sti]t(uit) / sub c(ura) Cl(audi) Apellini le[g(ati)] Aug(ustorum) / instante Aur(elio) Quinto tr(ibuno) (‘For the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus … and for …, mother of the army, the First Loyal Cohort of Vardulli, one thousand strong, Severiana Alexandriana, restored from ground-level an artillery-platform under the charge of Claudius Apellinus, imperial legate, directed by the tribune Aurelius Quintus’). Source: RIB I p.423.


RIB 1282

RIB 1282: Dedication slab found at High Rochester before 1847. Dated to AD 222–35. [matri… ̣] ⟦ [Alex]andr[i]⟧ [felicis] / [for]tissimi Aug(usti) [nos]/[tri] et castror(um) senat[usque] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] (‘… mother of … Alexander, our fortunate and most valiant Augustus, and of the army and senate …’). Source: RIB I p.424.


RIB 1283

RIB 1283: Building stone of legio VI Victrix found before 1810. vex(illatio) leg(ionis) / VI Vic(tricis) P(iae) F(idelis) / fecit (‘A detachment of the Sixth Legion Victrix Pia Fidelis built this’). Source: RIB I p.424.


RIB 1284

RIB 1284: Building stone of legio XX Valeria Victrix found near the E gate at High Rochester c.1776. vexillatio / leg(ionis) XX V(aleriae) V(ictricis) / fecit (‘A detachment of the Twentieth Legion Valeria Victrix built this’). Source: RIB I p.424.


RIB 1285

RIB 1285: Building stone of cohors I Vardullorum found at High Rochester before 1810. coh(ors) I Va/rdullo/rum fecit (‘The First Cohort of Vardulli built this’). Source: RIB I p.425.


RIB 1286

RIB 1286: Building stone recording the name of the tribune Aelius Erasinus. P(ublius) Ael(ius) Era/sinus trib(unus) (‘Publius Aelius Erasinus, tribune, (built this)’). Source: RIB I p.425.


RIB 1287

RIB 1287: Centurial stone of Iulius S[…] found in the principia at High Rochester in 1856. (centuria) Iuli S(…) (‘The century of Julius S(…) (built this)’). Source: RIB I p.425.


RIB 1288

RIB 1288: Tombstone found in 1809 whilst ploughing on the N side of the burn opposite the NE corner of High Rochester fort. [ ̣ ̣ ̣] S / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] / […] / [ ̣ ̣] coh(ortis) I Vardul(lorum) [ ̣ ̣ ̣] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣ praef(ecto)] coh(ortis) I Aug(ustae) / Lusitanor(um) item coh(ortis) I / Breucor(um) subcur(atori) viae / Flaminiae et aliment(orum) / subcur(atori) operum publ(icorum) / Iulia Lucilla c(larissima) f(emina) marito / b(ene) m(erenti) vix(it) an(nos) XLVIII / m(enses) VI d(ies) XXV (‘… for … of the First Cohort of Vardulli … prefect of the First Cohort Augusta of Lusitanians, also of the First Cohort of Breuci, sub-curator of the Flaminian Way and Doles, sub-curator of Public Works, Julia Lucilla, of senatorial rank, (set this up) to her well-deserving husband: he lived 48 years, 6 months, 25 days’). Source: RIB I p.425.


RIB 1289

RIB 1289: Tombstone found in 1790 at High Rochester. D(is) M(anibus) [s(acrum)] / Aureli Ex[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]/im[i] (centurio) coh(ortis) I Da[lm(atarum)(?)] (‘Sacred to the spirits of the deceased (and) of Aurelius Ex[….]imi, centurion of the First Cohort of Dalmatians (or Dacians)’). Source: RIB I p.426.


RIB 1290

RIB 1290: Tombstone found in 1876 whilst ploughing near High Rochester. D(is) M(anibus) / Felicio(nis) liberti / vixit annis / XX (‘To the spirits of the deceased (and) of Felicio, freedman, (who) lived 20 years’). Source: RIB I p.426.


RIB 1291

RIB 1291: Tombstone of a tribune’s foster-child found in the NW quarter of High Rochester fort in 1729. D(is) M(anibus) / Hermagor/a alumno / Hono/ratus / trib(unus) (‘To the spirits of the deceased (and) to his foster-child Hermagoras, the tribune Honoratus (set this up)’). Source: RIB I p.426.

RIB 1292: Tombstone of a legionary found near High Rochester before 1702. Now lost. D(is) M(anibus) / G(aius) Iul(ius) [G(ai) f(ilius)] (colonia) Fl(avia) / Ingen/[uus ̣ ̣ ̣] / mi[l(es)] leg(ionis) / VI V(ictricis) [P(iae)] F(idelis) (‘To the spirits of the deceased (and) of Gaius Julius Ingenuus, son of Gaius, of (colonia) Flavia […], soldier of the Sixth Legion Victrix Pia Fidelis’). Source: RIB I p.427.


RIB 1293

RIB 1293: Tombstone found at High Rochester before 1810. D(is) M(anibus) / Ro[…] / M[…] / vixit [ann(os)] / XXXVIII (‘To the spirits of the deceased … lived 38 [years]’). Source: RIB I p.427.


RIB 1294

RIB 1294: Figural tombstone from an unknown provenance found before 1842. D(is) M(anibus) / […] / […]ci […]it / […] ann(is) XXV (‘To the spirits of the deceased … 25 years’). Source: RIB I p.427.

RIB 1295: Dedication slab fragment found at High Rochester in 1852. […] / F[…] / SE[…] / PAT[…] (?). Source: RIB I p.428.

RIB 1296: Inscribed stone found at High Rochester in 1760. Now lost. […]VOTA DECMA[…] / […] T […] Susceptae […] / [… dul(?)]cissimae VC / […] M […] (‘… Suscepta … very sweet …’). Source: RIB I p.428.


RIB 1297

RIB 1297: Building stone of legio II Augusta, possibly from High Rochester, found before 1901. leg(io) II Augus(ta) / fe[c(it) …] (‘The Second Legion Augusta built (this)’). Source: RIB I p.428.

RIB 3491: Building stone of vexillations of cohortes IIII Gallorum & II Nerviorum found at High Rochester in 1982. vex(illatio) coh(ortis) IIII Gall(orum) eṭ / vex(illatio) c[o]h(ortis) II Nerv(iorum) / fecerunt (‘A detachment of the Fourth Cohort of Gauls and a detachment of the Second Cohort of Nervii made (this)’). Source: RIB I p.434.

RIB 3492: Tombstone found at High Rochester at 1998. D(is) [M(anibus)] / Te[…] / […] (‘To the shades of the deceased. Te[…] …’). Source: RIB I p.435.


The units based at High Rochester were clearly suited for the job: a mixed cohort (cohors I Fida Vardullorum), which included a cavalry component, and a unit of irregular scouts (the numerus exploratum). Building work can be identified by legionaries (legiones II Augusta, VI Victrix, and XX Valeria Victrix are all represented) as well as auxiliaries (cohortes IIII Gallorum and II Nerviorum). The site is also notable for the tombstone of a unit commander who died in post.

Building inscriptions show major reconstruction work during the 3rd century AD, under Severus, Caracalla, and Severus Alexander.

Religious dedications include Hercules, Matunus, Minerva, Mithras, Moguntes, Roma, Silvanus Pantheus, Victory & Peace amongst the deities. The last of these comes from slightly to the north of the fort and, dating to AD 252, may mark the site of conflict.

PLV Inscriptions (Carvoran)


This section includes inscriptions from the fort at Carvoran. Although built as part of the Stanegate road system, it was ultimately listed as one of the sites per lineam valli by the time the Notitia Dignitatum was drawn up.



RIB 1775

RIB 1775: Altar dedicated to Baliticaurus found 1885/6 N of Carvoran. Deo / Balit/icau/ro v/otu(m) (For the god Baliticaurus an offering). Source RIB I p.554.


RIB 1776

RIB 1776: Altar dedicated to Blatucadrus found in or before 1844 at Carvoran. D(e)o Blatu/cadro / votu(m) s(olutum) (For the god Blatucadrus the vow was fulfilled). Source RIB I p.554.


RIB 1777

RIB 1777: Altar dedicated to Epona found before 1840 at Carvoran. Deae / Epon/ae P(…) So(…) (For the goddess Epona P(…) So(…) (set this up)). Source RIB I p.554.


RIB 1778

RIB 1778: Altar to the Emperor’s Fortune found 1831 in the bath-house inside the SW angle of the fort at Carvoran. Fortunae Aug(ustae) / pro salute L(uci) Aeli / Caesaris ex visu / T(itus) Fla(vius) Secundus / praef(ectus) coh(ortis) I Ham/iorum Sagittar(iorum) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (For the Fortune of the Emperor, for the welfare of Lucius Aelius Caesar Titus Flavius Secundus, prefect of the First Cohort of Hamian Archers, due to a vision willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow). Source RIB I p.555.


RIB 1779

RIB 1779: Altar to Fortune found before 1716 at Carvoran. Fortun[ae] / Audac(ilius) Ro|manus 𐆛 / leg(ionum) VI XX / (II) Aug(ustae) (For Fortuna, Audacilius Romanus, centurion of the Sixth, Twentieth, and (Second) Augusta Legions, (set this up).). Source RIB I p.555.


RIB 1780

RIB 1780: Altar to Hammia found before 1751 at Carvoran. De(a)e Ha/mmi(ae) / Sabi(nus) / f(ecit) (For the goddess Hammia, Sabinus made this). Source RIB I p.555.

RIB 1781: Dedication for Hercules found before 1599. Now lost. D(e)o / (H)erc(u)l[i] / [ ̣ ̣ ̣] (For the god Hercules …). Source RIB I p.556.

RIB 1782: Altar dedicated for Jupiter Optimus Maximus of Doliche. Now lost. I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) D(olicheno) / [ ̣ ̣] H [ ̣ ̣ ̣] (For Jupiter, Best and Greatest, of Doliche …). Source RIB I p.556.


RIB 1783

RIB 1783: Altar dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus Heliopolitanus found at Carvoran before 1852. I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) / Helio/polit(ano) / Iul(ius) Po/llio [ ̣ ̣ ̣] (For Jupiter Heliopolitanus, Best and Greatest, Julius Pollio (?) … [set this up]). Source RIB I p.556.


RIB 1784

RIB 1784: Altar for Mars Belatucairus found before 1873 at Carvoran. D(e)o Marti / Belatu/cairo (For the god Mars Belatucairus). Source RIB I p.556.


RIB 1785

RIB 1785: Altar dedicated for Mother Goddesses found around 1729 at Carvoran. Matrib[us] / [..]ntius [..] (For the Mother Goddesses …). Source RIB I p.556.


RIB 1786

RIB 1786: Fragmentary dedication for M… and the Divinities of the Emperors found by Brand in 1779 at Carvoran. Deo M[…]- / et Numinibu[s Aug(ustorum)] / Iul(ius) Pacatus e[t ̣ ̣ ̣] / et Pacutius C[…]- / et V [ ̣ ̣] VAL […] / ccus a solo […fec]/er(unt) v(otum) s(olventes) [l(ibentes) m(erito)] (For the god M… and to the Divinities of the Emperors Julius Pacatus and … and Pacutius C[… and … built this building from ground-level, willingly and deservedly fulfilling their vow). Source RIB I p.556.

RIB 1787: Fragmentary dedication found at Carvoran before 1716. Now lost. D(e-) M(…) (For the deity M(…)). Source RIB I p.557.


RIB 1788

RIB 1788: Inscription for Minerva found at Carvoran in 1867. [… Mi]ner[vae …] | […]ia Ae[…] (… for Minerva …). Source RIB I p.557.


RIB 1789

RIB 1789: Altar dedicated to the Nymphs found at Carvoran before 1696. Deabus Nym/phis Vetti[a] / Mansueta e[t] / Claudia Turị[a]/ nilla fil(ia) v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) [m(erito)] (For the Goddesses, the Nymphs, Vettia Mansueta and Claudia Turianilla, her daughter, willingly and deservedly fulfilled their vow). Source RIB I p.557.

RIB 1790: Altar for Silvanus found at Woodhead, 800m SE of Carvoran in 1760. Now lost. Silvano / Vellaeụṣ / […] (For Silvanus Vellaeus). Source RIB I p.558.


RIB 1791

RIB 1791: Poem in iambic senarii dedicated to Virgo Caelestis found in the NE of Carvoran. Imminet Leoni Virgo caeles/ti situ spicifera iusti in/ventrix urbium conditrix / ex quis muneribus nosse con/tigit deos: ergo eadem mater divum / Pax Virtus Ceres dea Syria / lance vitam et iura pensitans. / in caelo visum Syria sidus edi/dit Libyae colendum: inde / cuncti didicimus. / ita intellexit numine inductus / tuo Marcus Caecilius Do/natianus militans tribunus / in praefecto dono principis (The Virgin in her place in the heavens rides upon the Lion; bearer of corn, inventor of law, founder of cities, by whose gifts it is the good lot of men to know the gods: she is therefore the Mother of the gods, Peace, Virtue, Ceres, the Syrian Goddess, weighing life and laws in her balance. Syria has sent the constellation seen in the heavens to Libya to be worshipped: thence have we all learned. Marcus Caecilius Donatianus, serving as tribune in the post of prefect by the Emperor’s gift, led by thy godhead, has understood this). Source RIB I p.558.


RIB 1792

RIB 1792: Altar for the Syrian Goddess found at Carvoran in or before 1599. Deae Suri/ae sub Calp/urnio Ag[r]/ico[la] leg(ato) Au[g(usti)] / pr(o) pr(aetore) Lic[in]ius / [C]lem[ens praef(ectus)] / [co]h(ortis) I Ha[miorum] (For the Syrian Goddess, under Calpurnius Agricola, propraetorian legate of the emperor, Licinius Clemens, prefect of the First Cohort of Hamians, (set this up)). Source RIB I p.559.


RIB 1793

RIB 1793: Altar for Veteris found before 1848 at Carvoran. Deo Vete/ri Nec/alame[s] / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (For the god Veteris Necalames willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow). Source RIB I p.559.


RIB 1794

RIB 1794: Altar for Veteris found before 1840 at Carvoran. Deo Ve/teri Ne/calam/es v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) (For the god Veteris Necalames willingly fulfilled his vow). Source RIB I p.559.


RIB 1795

RIB 1795: Altar for Veteris found in or before 1757 near Thirlwell Castle during construction of the Military Road. Deo sanct[o] / Veteri / Iul(ius) Pastor / imag(inifer) coh(ortis) II / Delmạ(tarum) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (For the holy god Veteris Julius Pastor, imaginifer of the Second Cohort of Dalmatians, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow). Source RIB I p.560.


RIB 1796

RIB 1796: Altar for Vetiris found before 1757 at Carvoran. Deo Ve/tiri san/cto An/diatis / v(oto) s(oluto) l(ibens) m(erito) f(ecit) (For the holy god Vetiris, Andiatis on fulfilment of the vow willingly and deservedly set this up). Source RIB I p.560.

RIB 1797: Altar for Vetiris found before 1757 at Carvoran. Deo / Vetiri v(otum) (For the god Veteris, a vow). Source RIB I p.560.

RIB 1798: Altar dedicated to Viteris found before 1769 at Carvoran. Deo Vite/ri No[ ̣ ̣ ̣] (For the god Viteris…). Source RIB I p.561.


RIB 1799

RIB 1799: Altar for Vitiris found at Carvoran before 1732. Deo / Vitiri / Meni(us) / Dada / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (For the god Vitiris Menius Dada willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow). Source RIB I p.561.


RIB 1800

RIB 1800: Altar for Vitiris found at Carvoran before 1873. Deo Vitiri / Milus et / Aurides / v(otum) s(olverunt) ❦ l(ibentes) m(erito) (For the god Vitiris Milus and Aurides willingly and deservedly fulfilled their vow). Source RIB I p.561.

RIB 1801: Altar for Vitiris found at Carvoran before 1599. Deo / Viti/ri Ne[c]|[a]limes / […]RO v(otum) / p(osuit) l(ibens) m(erito) (For the god Vitiris Necalimes … willingly and deservedly set up his vow). Source RIB I p.561.

RIB 1802: Dedication for the Veteres found before 1716 at Carvoran. Vete/ribus […] (For the Veteres …). Source RIB I p.561.


RIB 1803

RIB 1803: Altar for the Veteres found at Carvoran before 1892. Dibus / Veter/ibus / vot(u)m (For the gods the Veteres a vow). Source RIB I p.561.


RIB 1804

RIB 1804: Altar for the Viteres found built into the farm house at Carvoran in 1896. Dibus Vit/[eribus] IVIX / A v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (For the gods the Viteres … willingly and deservedly fulfilled the vow). Source RIB I p.561.


RIB 1805

RIB 1805: Altar for the Vitires found at Carvoran in 1725. Dibus / Vitiribus / Deccius / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (For the gods the Vitires Deccius willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow). Source RIB I p.561.


RIB 1806

RIB 1806: Pedestal with a dedication for an unnamed god found at Carvoran before 1857. Deo ar/milum / Binius / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito) (For the god Binius (gave) this bracelet, willingly and deservedly fulfilling his vow). Source RIB I p.562.


RIB 1807

RIB 1807: Fragmentary dedication found at Carvoran before 1902. […] / [… e]x vo[to] / [po]sueru[nt] / l(ibentes) m(erito) (… willingly and deservedly …). Source RIB I p.562.

RIB 1808: Fragmentary dedication found built into a field wall at Carvoran around 1930. Now lost. [Imp(eratori) Caesa]ri Tr[aiano] / [Hadri]ano [Aug(usto)] / […] (To the Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus …). Source RIB I p.562.


RIB 1809

RIB 1809: Altar set up by the Hamian archers’ commander, Licinius Clemens, found at Carvoran before 1845. [… sub Calpur]/[ni]o Agri/cola co(n)s(ulari) / Licinius Cl[e]/mens p[raef(ectus)] (… under Calpurnius Agricola, of consular rank, Licinius Clemens, the prefect [set this up). Source RIB I p.562.


RIB 1810

RIB 1810: Fragmentary inscription of cohors I Hamiorum found before 1840 at Carvoran. […]ius Agripp[a …] / [… coh(ortis) I] Hamioru[m …] (… Agrippa … of the First Cohort of Hamians …). Source RIB I p.563.

RIB 1811: Centurial stone of Claudius Augustanus found at or near Carvoran around 1755. coh(ortis) III 𐆛 Cl(audi) Aug/ustani (The century of Claudius Augustanus from the third cohort (built this)). Source RIB I p.563.


RIB 1812

RIB 1812: Centurial stone of Flavius Noricus found near Carvoran before 1834. coh(ortis) X 𐆛 F(lavi) / Norici (The century of Flavius Noricus from the tenth cohort (built this)). Source RIB I p.563.


RIB 1813

RIB 1813: Centurial stone of Claudius found in a farm building at Carvoran before 1767. 𐆛 Claudi / p(edes) XXX se(mis) (The century of Claudius (built) 30½ feet). Source RIB I p.563.


RIB 1814

RIB 1814: Centurial stone of Felix found at Carvoran in 1867. 𐆛 Felicis / p(edes) XX f(ecit) (The century of Felix built 20 feet). Source RIB I p.563.

RIB 1815: Centurial stone of the Hortensian century found before 1833 at Carvoran. Now lost. 𐆛 H[ort(?)]e/ns[ia(?)]n[a(?)] (The Hortensian century (built this)). Source RIB I p.564.


RIB 1816

RIB 1816: Centurial stone of Julius Ca[… found at Carvoran before 1833. 𐆛 Iul(i) Ca[…] / valla[vit] / p(edes) C[…] (The century of Julius Ca[… built 100 (and more) feet of rampart). Source RIB I p.564.


RIB 1817

RIB 1817: Building inscription of Antonius Viator found at Carvoran before 1753. 𐆛 Mar[tialis] / Anto[nius] / Viato[r ex] / G(ermania) S(uperiore) f(ecit) (From the century of Martialis, Antonius Viator from Upper Germany built this). Source RIB I p.564.

RIB 1818: Centurial stone of Prim[… found at Blenkinsopp Castle in 1825. 𐆛 Primi[…] / v[alla]vit / p(edes) CX[II(?)] / sub Fl(avio) Secundo / pr(a)ef(ecto) (The century of Prim[… built 112 (?) feet of rampart under the command of the prefect Flavius Secundus). Source RIB I p.564.


RIB 1819

RIB 1819: Centurial stone of Sentius Priscus found at Carvoran before 1818. 𐆛 Sen[ti] / Prisc[i] (The century of Sentius Priscus (built this)). Source RIB I p.564.

RIB 1820: Centurial stone of Silvanus found in 1940 c.90m E of Carvoran fort. 𐆛 Silvani / vallavit / p(edes) CXII sub / Fla(vio) Secundo / [pr]aef(ecto) (The century of Silvanus built 112 feet of rampart under the command of Flavius Secundus, the prefect). Source RIB I p.565.


RIB 1821

RIB 1821: Centurial stone of Sorio found before 1807 at Carvoran. 𐆛 Sorioni(s) (The century of Sorio (built this)). Source RIB I p.565.


RIB 1822

RIB 1822: Centurial stone of Valerius Cassianus found before 1775 at Carvoran. 𐆛 Valeri / Cassia/[ni] p(er) v(allum) p(edes) XIX (The century of Valerius Cassianus (built) along the fort-rampart 19 feet). Source RIB I p.565.


RIB 1823

RIB 1823: Building inscription of the First Cohort of Batavians found before 1774 at Carvoran. coh(ors) I Bata/vorum f(ecit) (The First Cohort of Batavians built this). Source RIB I p.566.

RIB 1824: Building inscription of the First Cohort of Batavians found before 1758 at Carvoran. Now lost. coh(ors) Ba[ta]vorum (Cohort of Batavians). Source RIB I p.566.

RIB 1825: Fragmentary inscription found at Carvoran before 1775. Now lost. […] Aug(ust-) […] / numeri […] / Magn{c}e(n)s(ium) […] / LE[…] (of the unit … of Magn[…] …). Source RIB I p.566.


RIB 1826

RIB 1826: Funerary inscription for Gaius Valerius Tullus found before 1840 at Carvoran. G(aius) Valerius G(ai) (filius) Vol(tinia) (tribu) / Iullus Vian(na) mil(es) / leg(ionis) XX V(aleriae) V(ictricis) (Gaius Valerius Iullus, son of Gaius of the Voltinian voting-tribe, from Vienne, soldier of the Twentieth Legion Valeria Victrix). Source RIB I p.567.

RIB 1827: Fragmentary funerary inscription found at Carvoran before 1774. Now lost. Ael(iae) S[…] | Aurel[…] | Marti[…] (For Aelia S[… Aur … Marti … (set this up)). Source RIB I p.567.


RIB 1828

RIB 1828: Funerary inscription for Aurelia Aia found at Blenkinsopp Castle in 1825. D(is) M(anibus) / Aur(eliae) T(iti) f(iliae) Aiae / d(omo) Salonas / Aur(elius) Marcus / 𐆛 Obseq(uentis) con/iugi sanctis/simae quae vi/xit annis XXXIII / sine ulla macula (For the spirits of the departed; and to Aurelia Aia, daughter of Titus, from Salonae, Aurelius Marcus of the century of Obsequens (set this up) to his very pure wife, who lived 33 years without any blemish). Source RIB I p.567.

RIB 1829: Funerary inscription for Aurelia found at Carvoran before 1732. D(is) M(anibus) Aur(elia) […] VBE / OVC […] MA vix[it] / ann(os) […] Aur(elia) Pu[sin]/na so[rori] pien[tis]/sime et [des]id[eratis]/sime […] (For the spirits of the departed: Aurelia … lived … years; Aurelia Pusinna [set this up] to her most devoted and very much missed sister). Source RIB I p.567.


RIB 1830

RIB 1830: Funerary inscription for Lifana found at Blenkinsopp Castle in 1880. D(is) M(anibus) / Lifana B[…]/ci filia v[ix]|it ann(os) […] / L(ucius) Seno[va]/lus av[un]culus [fe]|cit ❦ (To the spirits of the departed: Lifana, daughter of … lived … years; Lucius Senovalus, her uncle, made this). Source RIB I p.568.

RIB 1831: Fragmentary funerary inscription found before 1757 at Carvoran. […] / [an(norum) .] XXI / Aurel(ia) […] / mater f[il(iae) ca]rissime p[os(uit)] (… aged 21 [possible 31 or 41] Aurelia …, her mother, set this up to her most beloved daughter). Source RIB I p.568.

RIB 1832: Fragmentary funerary inscription found at Carvoran in 1938. [… con]iug(i) pi[issimae] / […] iona[e …] / […]s Sen[…] (… to …, his most devoted wife, [and to …]iona […]s Sen[… set this up]). Source RIB I p.568.


RIB 1833

RIB 1833: Fragmentary funerary inscription found at Carvoran before 1832. […]provid[…] / [… I]anuari[…] / [… S]ecunda SA[…] (… Secunda …). Source RIB I p.569.

RIB 1834: Fragmentary funerary inscription found at Carvoran in 1929 whilst ploughing. […] IIA / […]sius et / [… f]ratres (… and … brothers …). Source RIB I p.569.

RIB 1835: Fragmentary inscription found at Carvoran before 1811. Now lost. […]GERMA R[…] / […] AC NE[…] (?). Source RIB I p.569.

RIB 1836: Fragmentary inscription found at Carvoran before 1834. Now lost. […]M ACVCIEA […] (?). Source RIB I p.569.

RIB 1837: Fragmentary inscription found at Carvoran in 1880. Now lost. […] / [p]ṛo [se et] / suis l(ibens) [m(erito)] (… willingly and deservedly for himself and his family). Source RIB I p.569.

RIB 1838: Fragmentary inscription found at Carvoran before 1758. […] ORIP […] (?). Source RIB I p.570.

RIB 1839: Fragmentary inscription found at Carvoran before 1758. […]RI[ ̣]TE[…] (?). Source RIB I p.570.


RIB 1840

RIB 1840: Fragmentary inscription found at Carvoran in 1880. […]ID L / […] VSPA / […]F (?). Source RIB I p.570.


RIB 1841

RIB 1841: Fragmentary building inscription found at Carvoran before 1902. […] / LVI […] (?). Source RIB I p.570.

RIB 1842: Fragmentary inscription found at Carvoran before 1902. […] / [.] MIS (?). Source RIB I p.570.

RIB 3392: Fragmentary altar found at Carvoran in 1971. [de]o ❦ / […] (For the god …). Source RIB III p.362.

RIB 3393: Fragmentary altar found at Carvoran Farm in 1987. […]/enus s(acrum) f[ec](it) (… […]enus consecrated (this)). Source RIB III p.363.

RIB 3394: Building stone of legio II Augusta found at Carvoran Farm in 1988. leg(io) / II | Augu[sta] / …. / L[…] (legio II Augusta …). Source RIB III p.364.

RIB 3395: Building stone of legio II Augusta found in a field wall at Carvoran in 1985. […] / [… l]eg(ionis) II (Augustae) (… of legio II Augusta). Source RIB III p.365.

RIB 3396: Inscribed building stone found in a field wall at Carvoran in 1983. […]X II (… twelve (or more)). Source RIB III p.365.

RIB 3397: Inscribed stone slab found in a field wall at Carvoran in 1978. XVIII (eighteen). Source RIB III p.366.

RIB 3398: Tombstone for Mamma found in ploughing at Carvoran in 1964. D(is) M(anibus) Mamma / Vict(oris) • f(ilia) • Baib(ius) • D/u(v)ianus coniu/gi sanctissim(ae) / quae vixit an(nos) • XXII/II (For the shades of the dead. Mamma, daughter of Victor. Baibius Duvianus to his most saintly wife who lived 24 years). Source RIB III p.366.

RIB 3399: Fragmentary tombstone found in a field wall at Carvoran in the 1980s. AM[…] / […] (?). Source RIB III p.368.

RIB 3400: Fragmentary tombstone found in a field wall at Carvoran in 1982/3. […] / […]s VI • (… six). Source RIB III p.368.


Although Carvoran was part of the Stanegate system of forts, it was the best placed to lend direct support to Hadrian’s Wall, which was presuambly why it came to be incoportaed within the Wall system.

Dedications from the site include Belatucadrus, a regional deity from the north-west of Roman Britain. The Veteres are represented in force, as is the case at many sites along the frontier. Epona, a Celtic horse goddess is present, as are Hammia and Suria, the first a regional personification reflecting the rigins of the eastern archers based there, and the latter a provincial goddess freqeuntly equated with Julia Domna, the wife of Septimius Severus, who came from Emesa. Note that the transcription of Suria reflects the pronunciation of ‘Syria’ in the Roman period (as now, in Arabic). Finally, Hercules and Jupiter, both Dolichenus and Helipolitanus, make an appearance.

The Hamian archers were the principal garrison unit at the site, but the cohortes I Batavorum and II Delmatarum were also recorded, as was a legionary centurion (although it is unclear under what circumstances: with a legionary detachment or commanding auxiliary troops?). The building stones mentioning legio II Augusta probably reflect the construction of the stone fort which, as at Vindolanda, was much smaller than the earlier, underlying turf-and-timber fort (the extent of which is probably indicated by a deviation in the course of the Vallum). The tombstone of G. Valerius Tullus, a soldier of legio XX (RIB 1826), may date back to the construction or even garrisoning of this early Stanegate fort (his name is given in the nominative case typical of the 1st century AD). The centurial stones mentioning a length of construction probably also relate to the building of the later fort, since it was not normal practice to record this on the Hadrian’s Wall curtain wall. The dedication to Hadrian (RIB 1808) is thought unlikely to come from the nearby Milecastle 46 (the text differs from the regular milecastle inscriptions and has an elaborate border) so may belong to the gateway of the later stone fort (thus providing a Hadrianic date for that, along with RIB 1820, since Flavius Secundus commanded I Hamiorum in AD 136–8).

Finally, the Aurelia/us names from civilian inscriptions suggest the continued occupation of the fort vicus into the 3rd century.

PLV Inscriptions (Carrawburgh to Housesteads)


This section of Hadrians’s Wall sees the transition to the crags along the Whin Sill. As might be expected, the inscriptions here are dominated by centurial building stones.



RIB 1564

RIB 1564: c(enturia) Avidi (the century of Avidius (built this)). Centurial stone found before 1873 just west of Carrawburgh. Source: RIB I p.498


RIB 1565

RIB 1565: c(enturia) Avidi (century of Avidius (built this)). Centurial stone found before 1873 between Carrawburgh and Housesteads. Source: RIB I p.498


RIB 1566

RIB 1566: vexil(l)atio / legion[is… (a detachment of the … Legion…). Building stone found at Carraw before 1867. Source: RIB I pp.498-9


RIB 1567

RIB 1567: c(enturia) Avid(i) Rufi (the century of Avidius Rufus (built this)). Centurial stone found at Carraw before 1867. Source: RIB I p.499

RIB 1568: coh(ortis) I / [c(enturia)] Terenti / Cantabr[i] (First Cohort, the century of Terentius Cantaber (built this)). Centurial stone found 1892 near Grindon school-house. Source: RIB I p.499


RIB 1569

RIB 1569: leg(io) II / Augusta (Second Legion Augusta (built this)). Building stone found before 1812 at Sewingshields farm. Source: RIB I p.499


RIB 1570

RIB 1570: coh(ortis) V / c(enturia) Caecili / Procli (Fifth Cohort, century of Caecilius Proclus (built this)). Centurial stone found before 1812 at Sewingshields farm. Source: RIB I p.500


RIB 1571

RIB 1571: coh(ortis) V pr(incipis) / c(enturia) Max(imi) (Fifth Cohort, century of the princeps prior Maximus (built this)). Centurial stone found before 1812 at Sewingshields farm. Source: RIB I p.500


RIB 1572

RIB 1572: c(enturia) Gelli / Philipp[i] (the century of Gellius Philippus (built this)). Centurial stone found at Sewingshields Farm gig-house before 1867. Source: RIB I p.500

RIB 1573: Nar (?). Building stone found 1892 on Military Road near Grindon school-house. Source: RIB I p.500

RIB 1574: leg(io) / II / Aug(usta) (Second Legion Augusta (built this)). Building stone found 1832 in Milecastle 36. Now lost. Source: RIB I pp.500-1


RIB 1575

RIB 1575: c(enturia) Floriani / p(edes) XXII (century of Florianus (built) 22 feet). Centurial stone found before 1867 at Moss Kennels Farm. Source: RIB I p.501

RIB 3319: …] / v(otum) s(oluit) l(ibens) m(erito) (…willingly and deservedly fulfilled a vow). Altar base found in 1810 in a field wall between Turrets 33a and 33b. Now lost. Source: RIB III p.312

RIB 3320: leg)(io) VI / Victrix / Pia Fid(elis) (Sixth Legion Victrix Pia Fidelis (built this)). Building stone found 1973 at Turret 33b. Source: RIB III pp.312-13

RIB 3321: c(enturia) CRAI (century of ? (built this)). Centurial stone found 1970 in N face of wall at Turret 33b. Source: RIB III p.313

RIB 3322: + (?). Building stone found 1989 in N face of wall 19m E of Milecastle 35. Source: RIB III p.314

RIB 3323: c(ohortis) X (centuria) Mu(nati) / Maximi (Tenth Cohort century of Munatius). Centurial stone found 1958 187.5m E of Turret 35a. Source: RIB III p.314

RIB 3324: Canio [Vi]/ndicatus (Canio … Vindicatus). Slab found in wall core in 1958 18.2m E of Turret 35a. Source: RIB III p.315

RIB 3331: c(enturia) Saturninus / c(enturia) Lusitani / Hrindenus / optio (Saturninus, centurion. The century of Lusitanus, Hrindenus, optio). Quarry inscription found in 1960 on Queen’s Crags. Source: RIB III p.320


The building stones along this stretch record work by the First, Fifth, and Tenth cohorts of a legion, almost certainly legio II Augusta, which is named on the lost building stone from Milecastle 36 (and possibly confirmed by the stone from Sewingshields Farm, possibly from Milecastle 35). The stone recording work by legio VI VIctrix found at Turret 33b probably relates to restoration work there after the return from the Antonine Wall in the later 2nd century.

The Per Lineam Valli atlas of Hadrian’s Wall

Back in 2007, I used Google Earth to plot the course of Hadrian’s Wall. To this I added some basic information, in the form of links to online resources like English Heritage’s (now Historic England’s) Pastscape, the National Monuments Record’s online database, references to documents on the Hadrian’s Wall Research Framework website, images of sites, and, information from You can still see the remnants of that early version on the Wayback Machine.

Now I have embarked upon an ambitious upgrade to the website. Online digital mapping has come a long way since my original efforts and I want to bring all the benefits of the latest techniques to the mapping of the Roman Wall – whether in the comfort of your own home or on your mobile phone on a wind-blasted hillside in Northumberland!

That, however, is not all that I’m up. Find out more in my next post on Patreon.
